
Oldenburg Stallion Days: Livestream

The highlight of the year is just around the corner: The Oldenburg Stallion Days from the 18th till 21st January await outstanding dressage and show jumping stallions. Only the best stallions have been admitted to the Oldenburg licensing. If you do not have the opportunity to come to Ankum in person, you can follow the Oldenburg Stallion Days live on the Oldenburg homepage or at

Both the Oldenburg homepage and will broadcast the Stallion Days live from Thursday noon. In addition, you will have the opportunity to view archived footage of already completed licensing subdivisions already during the event. Use the following link to access the archive:

The livestream on the Oldenburg homepage and at Clipmyhorse will include all the stallion approvals as well as the award ceremony and the stallion market.

Due to uncertainties in the registration process in our online auction portal, we are suspending the possibility of online bidding for the upcoming Oldenburg Stallion Days. Of course, you can bid for your favorite live in Ankum or easily by phone via bidding order. Please find the bidding order here:

If you have any questions or would like to register for telephone bidding, please contact the staff at the Oldenburg auction office.

You can find the exact schedule here:

Jumping stallions (OS)
Thursday, January 18th
1.00 p.m.: Presentation on hard ground of the jumping stallions
3.30 p.m.: 1. Free jumping of the jumping stallions

Friday, January 19th
9.00 a.m.: 2. Free jumping of the jumping stallions with walking ring and announcement of the licensing
3.30 p.m.: Award of main premium and VTV honouring, Award of premiums with selection of the champion stallion
5.00 p.m.: Auction begin of the jumping stallions 

Dressage stallions (OL)
Saturday, January 20th
2.00 p.m.: Presentation on hard ground of the dressage stallions
5.00 p.m.: Lunging of the dressage stallions
8.00 p.m.: Award of main premium and VTV honouring, Get Together with DJ

Sunday, January 21st
9.00 a.m.: Dressage stallions running loose with walking ring and announcement of the licensing
2.00 p.m.: Award of premiums with selection of the champion stallion
3.00 p.m.: Auction of the dressage stallions

If you do not want to miss the licensing of the Springpferdezuchtverband Oldenburg-International on January 18 and 19, we are pleased to inform you that tickets are still available at the box office. The tickets for the OL licensing are already sold out for both days. However, you can watch the live stream in the catering area. Entry to the catering area and the inspection of hard ground are free of charge.

Here you can find all licensing candidates for the Oldenburg Stallion Days 2024.

Consulting and customer service:

Breeding director Oldenburger Pferdezuchtverband:
Bernhard Thoben: Tel. +49(0)4441-935578 or 

Auction and managing director Oldenburger Pferde-Vermarktungs GmbH:
Roland Metz: +49(0)171-4364651 or

Dressage horses:
Thomas Rhinow: +49(0)172-9748487 or
Daniel Pophanken: +49(0)175-2930926 or

Show jumpers:
Philip Bölle: +49(0)171-1893792 or
Benjamin Stratmann: +49(0)151-54408395 or

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