
Pre-selection for the 13th Saddle Licensing: Register Now

The saddle licensing for dressage-oriented stallions will take place during the 101st Spring Elite Auction on April 12 and 13, 2024. The stallions will be offered for auction at the Elite Auction on April 13.

Also eligible for pre-selection are three- and four-year-old stallions from other horse breeding associations. Four-year-old stallions not yet licensed should preferably have already completed a stallion performance test.

Deadline for registration: Friday, March 1, 2024

Selection date: Monday, March 11, 2024

The registration fee for Oldenburg-registered stallions is 100 euros. For stallions from other horse breeding associations, the fee is 160 euros.

You can find the registration form here.

During the pre-selection, three-year-old stallions will be presented on the lunge and on hard ground, while four-year-olds will be presented under saddle and on hard ground. The admission to the licensing will be determined in the concluding walking ring.

Additionally, please provide a copy of the ownership certificate (no originals), and for stallions from other associations, include a pedigree spanning five generations. For four-year-olds that have already undergone performance testing, please also include the results of the performance test.

Contact person:
Peer Eitenmüller, phone +49(0)4441-935566,

Photo: MDM Zodiac OLD by Zonik was the champion stallion of the Oldenburg Saddle Licensing in 2016. (LL-Foto)

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